expiratory resistance

expiratory resistance
сопротивление выдохам

Англо-русский подводный словарь аквалангиста – М.: Русский университет.. . 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "expiratory resistance" в других словарях:

  • Resistance — Opposition to something, or the ability to withstand it. For example, some forms of staphylococcus are resistant to treatment with antibiotics. * * * 1. A force exerted in opposition to an active force. 2. The opposition in a conductor to the… …   Medical dictionary

  • Positive end-expiratory pressure — (PEEP) is the pressure in the lungs (alveolar pressure) above atmospheric pressure (the pressure outside of the body) that exists at the end of expiration.[1] The two types of PEEP are extrinsic PEEP (PEEP applied by a ventilator) and intrinsic… …   Wikipedia

  • сопротивление дыханию на выдохе — rus сопротивление (с) (дыханию) на выдохе eng exhalation resistance (respirators), expiratory resistance, resistance to expiration fra résistance (f) expiratoire, perte (f) de charge à l expiration deu Ausatemwiderstand (m) spa resistencia (f)… …   Безопасность и гигиена труда. Перевод на английский, французский, немецкий, испанский языки

  • сопротивление на выдохе — rus сопротивление (с) (дыханию) на выдохе eng exhalation resistance (respirators), expiratory resistance, resistance to expiration fra résistance (f) expiratoire, perte (f) de charge à l expiration deu Ausatemwiderstand (m) spa resistencia (f)… …   Безопасность и гигиена труда. Перевод на английский, французский, немецкий, испанский языки

  • Ausatemwiderstand — (m) eng exhalation resistance (respirators), expiratory resistance, resistance to expiration …   Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz Glossar

  • Spirometry — TLC Total lung capacity: the volume in the lungs at maximal inflation RV Residual volume: the volume of air remaining in the lungs …   Wikipedia

  • respiration, human — ▪ physiology Introduction       the process by which oxygen is taken up and carbon dioxide discharged. The design of the respiratory system  The human gas exchanging organ, the lung, is located in the thorax, where its delicate tissues are… …   Universalium

  • Mechanical ventilation — In architecture and climate control, mechanical or forced ventilation is the use of powered equipment, e.g. fans and blowers, to move air  see ventilation (architecture). Mechanical ventilation Intervention …   Wikipedia

  • respiratory disease — ▪ human disease Introduction  any of the diseases and disorders that affect human respiration (respiration, human).  Diseases of the respiratory system may affect any of the structures and organs that have to do with breathing, including the… …   Universalium

  • Modes of mechanical ventilation — Contents 1 Positive and negative pressure ventilation 1.1 Negative pressure ventilation 1.1.1 Types of negat …   Wikipedia

  • speech — /speech/, n. 1. the faculty or power of speaking; oral communication; ability to express one s thoughts and emotions by speech sounds and gesture: Losing her speech made her feel isolated from humanity. 2. the act of speaking: He expresses… …   Universalium

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